Prattle about Cattle: Learn about Farm Animals

Cow. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 4 Apr 2022.

We invite you to celebrate National Farm Animal day with Scholastic Go! by learning all about your favorite farm animals!

Livestock have played an important role in human survival by providing food, shelter, fuel, fertilizer and other products and services for Farms and Farming. After generations by our side, these animals have evolved to suit human needs. We get eggs and birdy meats from Poultry farms that focus primarily on domesticated Chickens. Throughout history, Cattle and Sheep have been essential, especially for Ranch Life. But did you know that Fish Farming has also played an important role?

Domesticated Animals aren’t just for farming. Humans have domesticated animals throughout history for a variety of reasons. Horses and camels have helped us with traveling and transporting. Pets have special bond with humans and include many of our favorite animals, from dogs to cats and even bunny rabbits!

Check out Scholastic Go! today to explore these topics and many more! This resource includes four incredible encyclopedia databases: Amazing Animals, America the Beautiful, Lands and Peoples, and The New Book of Popular Science. You can find a vast array of comprehensive nonfiction content for kids in grades 3 and up.

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